Waterproof Membrane Geosynthetic Clay Liner

Waterproof Membrane Geosynthetic Clay Liner

Needle-punched reinforced geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) is a high performance composite barrier system for the containment of liquids, gases and other contaminants. It consists of two durable geotextile layers with a uniform core of sodium bentonite clay. When hydrated, the bentonite swells up to 15 times its original volume creating a highly impermeable barrier.

Sodium Bentonite

Sodium Bentonite is a natural, eco-friendly material. This clay is composed of smectite clay minerals (primarily montmorillonite). It’s most known for its ability to swell when hydrated, creating an impermeable barrier. This is what makes it ideal as a waterproof membrane geosynthetic clay liner.

In addition to its excellent sealing capabilities, sodium bentonite also provides a good solution for landfill liners. It helps prevent hazardous chemicals and substances from leaching into the environment, ensuring that both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are protected.

The bentonite layer in GCLs is a mechanically bonded composite made Waterproof Membrane Geosynthetic Clay Liner from woven and/or non-woven geotextile layers that encapsulate a low water permeability, natural sodium bentonite layer. The bentonite layer is needlepunched into both layers of the geotextile, a process that creates a strong mechanical bond between the fabrics and the bentonite. In addition, the needlepunched bentonite can withstand shear forces, making it an optimal choice for slopes.

Due to their high internal shear strength, low permeability and ease of installation bentonite GCLs are an excellent waterproofing option for concrete applications, including under slabs, basements, property line applications and tunnels. The bentonite’s self-healing action also assists in the waterproofing of small cracks caused by ground settlement, concrete shrinkage or seismic activity. Additionally, a GCL can be installed on-site in almost any weather condition and over uncured concrete.

Special Composite Geotextile

Geosynthetic clay liners are a type of impermeable liner that can be used in environmental protection, water conservancy and other civil engineering applications. This type of liner is made by sandwiching a layer of sodium bentonite between two geotextiles, usually by needle punching or stitching processes. The bentonite layer is then bonded to a geomembrane using heat, hot water or air pressure. This type of liner offers a cost-effective and durable alternative to concrete or asphaltic lining systems.

Besides being a waterproofing membrane, the bentonite layer also provides other important geotextile functions such as separation, reinforcement, filtration and drainage. The bentonite layer also has a special feature that it can seal any small cracks caused by ground settlement or concrete shrinkage. This feature makes it a great choice for projects that require extra protection in saline or contaminated water or where gasses such as methane are present.

As a result, the resulting geocomposite is able to perform better than a single material, offering all of the advantages that each individual component can provide in its own right. Some examples of this include the combination of a geotextile and a geonet; a geotextile, a geogrid, and a geomembrane; or a geotextile, a geogrid, or a geomembrane with another material such as a deformed plastic sheet. These geocomposites can be used in a variety of construction projects including waste containment, landfill liners, earthen dams, and slope stabilization.

Non-Woven Fabric

GCL geosynthetic clay liner is a kind of high expansion sodium bentonite composite waterproof pad, it is used to prevent seepage in artificial lakes ponds and waterscapes, landfills pond liner, underground garages, roof gardens, pools, oil depots and chemical storage yards projects. This product is made by filling high swelling sodium bentonite into a special composite geotextile fabric, then the non-woven fabrics are locked into the bentonite pad by needle punching method, so that bentonite can not flow in one direction, and when the mat meets with water it forms a uniform high-density coating-shape waterproof layer to exclude water to protect the environment and structures from water leakage.

BENTOMAT geosynthetic clay liners are industrially manufactured and subject to continuous quality monitoring, this ensures consistent and excellent sealing properties. The bentonite in BENTOMAT can swell up to 13-16 times larger than its original size, a function which makes it an extremely effective material for protecting soils and separating ground water from surface water. This is why the material is ideal for use in dykes and other water engineering structures.

Another feature of this product is that it has self-healing capabilities, when an object punctures the membrane, the bentonite swells over the hole to seal it, thus ensuring that it will remain intact in the future. This feature is particularly useful in underground construction projects.


Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCL) are needle punched environmental reinforced composites that combine durable geotextile outer layers with a core of natural sodium bentonite clay. Upon hydration, the bentonite swells and forms a low-permeability protective barrier. GCLs are designed to provide high containment of leachate and other potentially hazardous waste materials.

GCLs are often combined with a geomembrane to reduce the risk of puncture or leakage. They also work well in combination with landfills to prevent leakage into the underlying soil, reducing the risk of environmental contamination.

Unlike an HDPE geomembrane, which requires heating and glue, a GCL can be laid in cold weather conditions without the need for any special construction or welding. Bentonite Geocell for Roadbed powder, nails and washers are enough for connection and fixing, making it possible to construct the liner in any weather condition. It is also easy to repair if any waterproofing defects occur. In addition, compared to other waterproof materials, a GCLs construction period is much shorter and its operation is more convenient.

GCL is suitable for lining of landfills, sewage treatment plants, power plant regulating pools, underground garages and roof gardens. It is also widely used for artificial lakes, waste ponds and other water containment applications. It can also be used as a groundwater barrier to prevent seepage and improve water quality. Moreover, it can be utilized for construction of oil depots, chemical yards and storage tanks.