Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer

Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer

Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer is an ideal machine for purifying and blending items like creams, lotions, ointments, preparations and hack syrups. It offers work limits extending from 30L-2000L and uses various mixing methods to emulsify products.

It meets CIP/SIP standards, ensuring the safe handling of hazardous chemicals. Its parts that come in contact with products should be made from Stainless Steel 316Ll.

1. Suitable Materials

A vacuum emulsifying mixer is ideal for making creams, ointments, and emulsion products. It is an efficient mixing machine that requires less power to operate than a traditional Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer mixer. It is also more energy-efficient, resulting in substantial cost savings. It also features a safety valve that prevents the opening of the pot lid while a vacuum is present inside. This can prevent injuries during the emulsification process.

Stainless steel is the best material for a Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer because it can resist corrosion, chemical degradation, and high-temperature stress. The mixer should have a heating system to ensure proper dissolution of the materials. A CIP cleaning system is recommended to make it easy to clean the mixer.

It is important to use a high-quality machine to ensure that the products produced will meet quality standards. It should also comply with CGMP guidelines such as Clean-in-place (CIP) and Sterilize-in-place (SIP). In addition, the distance between the rotor and stator should be checked regularly. This will improve the mixing quality of the machine and increase its lifespan.

2. Suitable Mixing Speed

Suitable mixing speed helps in ensuring proper and efficient mixing. It also prevents the material from clogging and lumping and increases the dissolving power of high-viscosity ingredients. In addition, it helps in avoiding product losses. Moreover, it reduces the risk of contamination and provides better quality products.

Various industries use this equipment to process and mix their products like cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemicals. Cosmetic industries use this machine for emulsifying and mixing different types of creams, lotions, and ointments. Pharmaceutical companies use it to process ointments, oral syrups, latex, and injections. The food industry uses it to emulsify thick sources like mayonnaise, cheese, and jams as well as viscous foods such as infant milk formula, chocolate, and sugar.

Another advantage of using this equipment is that it saves a lot of time and effort, and it can also reduce the cost of labor and raw materials. It also allows the manufacturer to increase their production capacity. This is beneficial for the consumer as it gives them more options to choose from. It is also good for the manufacturer as it increases their market reach.

3. Suitable Vacuum

Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer is a highly advanced machine that is designed to protect active constituents via suitable mixing procedures. It is also a cost-effective homogenizing solution for continuous production, and it can be used in a variety of industries.

It is not recommended to use this type of equipment for sensitive tissue samples or lysols (disinfectant sprays). These types of materials require an excessive amount of heat during the mixing process, which could damage the mixer’s blades. The machine also requires a temperature-controlled environment to prevent oxidation of the mixture.

This type of mixer is also not suited for liquids with high viscosity. It is best suited for dispersing, mixing, homogenizing, and emulsifying low-viscosity materials. This is due to the fact that it can create a more uniform consistency with less heat, and it will help reduce lumping and clogging of ingredients.

The machine should conform to CGMP requirements like Clean-in-place (CIP) and Sterilize-in-place (SIP). All the product contact parts mixer supplier should be made of stainless steel 316Ll, and the machine should have a pressure relief valve for safe operation.

4. Suitable Temperature

A vacuum emulsifying mixer requires a constant temperature to function properly. Before starting the process, it is important to check the temperature of the water and oil pots. If they are not at the appropriate temperature, it is essential to close the valves and allow them to heat up. Once the temperatures are adequate, the materials should be stirred to ensure they reach a uniform temperature.

The vacuum emulsifying mixer machine is ideal for producing large quantities of emulsions in a short amount of time. It is also capable of mixing a variety of different ingredients. This is because it uses high shear to break the molecules of the liquid.

This type of machine is often used in laboratories and small scale industries. It can be used to prepare suppository medicines or make oils that contain a lot of solids into emulsions. It is a versatile machine and is very easy to use. It is also hygienic and meets GMP standards. In addition, it is easy to clean and maintain. It is recommended to use the vacuum emulsifying mixer in a clean and dry environment.

5. Suitable Batch Size

Vacuum emulsifying mixer machines have different batch sizes, but they can all handle large batches. It has an automated system that can reduce mistakes made by human operators, reducing the number of times the machine must be manually started and shut off again. It also consumes less energy than other types of equipment, resulting in significant savings on power costs.

Moreover, the equipment comes with a range of features to improve safety and security, including CIP cleaning system, break vacuum hole, pressure air inlet hole, etc. This makes it more secure than manual blending equipment and prevents mishaps that could damage the machine.

However, it is important to note that the mixer needs a permanent place in your factory because it cannot be moved around easily due to its heavy weight. It must be placed in an area with good ventilation as the machine can generate heat and may emit gases or odor that is not suitable for health. Moreover, it is also recommended to examine the machine regularly for any problems such as leakage and the temperature of the mixing container is not rising.