The PCB Manufacturing Process

pcb manufacturing

The PCB Manufacturing Process

Once the design blueprint has been encoded through Gerber Extended software and the PCB has passed a thorough electrical test it will be sent off to a fabrication house. Here it will undergo another test called a Design for Manufacture (DFM) check to confirm that the board can be built within acceptable tolerances.


The first step in the PCB manufacturing process is the design. This involves laying out a blueprint for the circuit board using specialized software. This process is often referred to as DFM (design for manufacture). The design must meet specific requirements to ensure manufacturability and high-yield assembly. It also must be compatible with the components you want to use in your final product. Several iterations of the design are often needed to catch errors before they can lead to costly mistakes.

Once the designer has completed the schematic, they will submit the design for fabrication. The fabricator will check the design for defects and will then make sure it meets minimum fabrication tolerances. They will then generate a file that the manufacturer can use to create the actual board. This file is called a Gerber file, and it contains the dimensions of the layers, copper tracking layers, solder mask, and other vital information. The fabricator will use this file to fabricate the circuit boards.

A good PCB manufacturer will have a rigorous quality control system that can guarantee the accuracy of their work and minimize production delays. They will also utilize a wide range of inspection tools and tests, including automated X-ray and AOI, electrical tests, and special certification tests. They should also offer quick turnaround times and be able to accommodate any last-minute changes in project specifications.


The PCB manufacturing process is a complex procedure that involves multiple crucial steps. Using computer-guided tools and automated machines, each critical step is performed pcb manufacturing with meticulous attention to detail to guarantee that standard PCBs are delivered.

After a PCB design is encoded in software, it is sent to a manufacturer for fabrication. The manufacturer then transforms the design into a physical product using a series of steps that turn it from a drawing in a CAD program into a bare circuit board. Depending on the pcb manufactures, they use different technologies for this stage but they all follow the same set of steps to ensure the fabricated board meets your specific requirements.

First, the copper layer on the bare board is pre-bonded to the laminate. This layer is then covered by a type of photo-sensitive film that contains photo-reactive chemicals that harden when exposed to ultraviolet light. This allows technicians to match the printed blueprints with what’s actually printed on the photo-sensitive film. Holes are drilled into the film to help align the layers.

Once the bare board’s layers are aligned, they can now be cut and scored into separate pieces. The fabricator may choose to do this by hand or use a machine. The scores must be precise and clean to prevent the boards from cracking. After scoring, the boards are plated with either a gold or silver finish. This adds extra solderability and enables them to conduct electricity more easily.


Once a PCB has passed all of its electrical tests, it moves on to the final inspection stage. This is done by a technician using an automatic process known as “flying probe testing” or the “nails bed test.” The purpose of this test is to ensure that the PCB’s functionality matches its original design.

Before the outer layers are plated with copper, they undergo an automated optical inspection (AOI). This machine compares an image of the inner layer to the original Gerber design that was sent to the manufacturer and is used as the model for this step. If the machine finds an error in the image, it will notify a technician of the problem so they can correct the error before the next step.

After a technician confirms that the inner layers of the PCB have PCB Manufacturing Supplier properly covered the copper areas meant to remain in the final product, they are ready for the etching process. This is where the copper on the PCB is etched away to expose conductive paths throughout the board. Once this is completed, the outer layer must be plated with tin to protect it.

This is the last step of a PCB’s fabrication, and it’s also when its assembly begins. The etched copper on the inside of the PCB is soldered onto various parts, including chips that are embedded in the circuit. During this stage, the assembler must be sure that each component is seated correctly and that it’s aligned with the appropriate holes on the PCB.


The packaging process for PCBs is a highly specialized task. It is important to protect the circuit boards from damage during transportation and storage. This can be done by using anti-vibration packing materials, such as elastic materials that absorb energy and disperse it to stronger parts of the package. In addition, the packaging should be rigid enough to keep the circuit boards from moving during shipping and storage.

The first step in pcb manufacturing is to design the layout of the circuit board. This is usually done through a design software such as Extended Gerber. Then, the files are sent to a fab house or a board house, where the bare circuit boards are made. The bare circuit board is composed of a dielectric substrate such as FR-4, and copper pathways that are imposed on the surface to route electrical current or signals throughout the board.

These circuits are then covered with a solder mask and silk screen to prevent the copper from touching other components. The copper is plated with gold or tin. The conductive pathways are then coated with a tin-lead alloy to resist corrosion.

As the electronics industry moved away from vacuum tubes and relays, manufacturers looked for more efficient ways to connect electronic circuits. The resulting technology was the printed circuit board, which allows electronic devices to be smaller and more affordable.