RFID Tags For Product Tracking and Inventory Management


RFID Tags For Product Tracking and Inventory Management

RFID Tags can be used to track products. This can help companies prevent product loss, such as theft, and streamline inventory management.

It’s also great for fast checkout processes like Amazon Go, and helps retailers keep stock levels accurate.

Passive RFID tags don’t require a battery to function, and they work despite dust or dirt.

Simple to use.

RFID tags are small integrated circuits that don’t require their own power source. When they come into contact with radio waves at a specific frequency, they emit an electrical field that activates the chip inside the tag. When an RFID reader is within range, the tag will transmit a signal that contains data to the reader.

This information can then be sent to a host system where it is stored for later analysis. This data can help retailers identify high traffic areas, peak shopping times, and product movement patterns throughout the day.

For example, RFID can be used to enable buy online, pickup in store (BOPIS) services for shoppers. This allows retailers to provide this service without having to add additional staff, and it also helps bridge the gap between the online and in-store shopping experience.

Another way retailers are using RFID is to minimize losses from theft by customers or employees. RFID technology can be combined with security cameras to detect shoplifters and alert the security team. Then the video can be reviewed to identify the suspect and build a case against him or her to share with law enforcement.

Most RFID systems consist of a reader and one or more antennas. Readers can be mobile so they can be taken around the store or warehouse to read tags or fixed so they can scan from a fixed location. The antennas can be specialized for ground/mat tracking or a variety of other applications.

Hard to misplace.

Whether it’s your keys, phone or wallet, you’ve probably lost something you care about at one time or another. RFID tags can help you find those items and more, if you pair them with an app.

Unlike barcodes, which require a line RFID Tag of sight to read, RFID tags don’t have this restriction. This means you can scan them from multiple angles without losing their ability to transmit data.

With the right tag and an app, you can even use them to track valuables like luggage or a bicycle. The app will tell you exactly where your item is at any given time, making it easy to keep an eye on it.

In retail, RFID is used to prevent shoplifting and shrinkage by identifying what’s being taken from shelves. Customers can also use RFID when they’re returning items, as the unique code in their item can help retailers identify them as a returnee.

The least expensive RFID tags cost a few cents and are similar to sticky labels, but they’re more durable and can withstand harsh environments and conditions. Their price can increase depending on the RFID chip capabilities, memory size and durability (to survive flames, impact, freezing temperatures, direct sun etc). For example, active RFID tags with a battery will be more costly than passive tags. RFID technology can be used in health care to minimize medication errors and improve clinical workflow. However, the effectiveness of this solution depends on the integration of RFID with hospital information systems and electronic health records.

Helpful for staff.

RFID can automatically track items and upload data to an ERP or financial management system, reducing time spent on manual scanning, recording and updating spreadsheets. It also eliminates human scanning errors. This makes it easier to locate and identify equipment, and enables staff to make accurate inventory counts.

Moreover, RFID can be used to protect against both shoplifting by customers and mifare desfire ev1 internal theft by employees (known as shrinkage) through the use of electronic article surveillance. An RFID-tagged item can be detected by an RFID reader when a customer tries to leave the store with unpaid-for goods – either by physically removing the tag with a special tool or activating it electronically during the self checkout process.

In healthcare settings, RFID applications can also help reduce costs by limiting waste from misplaced or damaged supplies. For example, an RFID system utilised in a hospital has been successful at tracking and notifying nursing staff of the whereabouts of equipment (Okoniewska et al., 2012).

RFID can also help reduce the risk of infection in hospitals and other medical facilities by enabling contact tracing. For example, if a patient in the ED tests positive for COVID-19 within two days of being admitted, all staff who have interacted with them (including physicians, trainees, nurses, porters and custodial workers) can be identified and notified immediately.

Easy to track.

Most RFID tags use passive systems and have a read range of about 1-5 meters. They contain a microchip with digitized data and an antenna that transmits signals back to the reader via radio frequency. This data can include everything from the product serial number and quantity to a variety of other pertinent information.

Depending on your business needs, you can choose between active and passive tags. Active tags have their own onboard power source and transmitter, which allows them to transmit at greater distances than passive tag. Typical battery-powered active RFID tags have a read range of 50-100 feet and will last up to five years before needing replacement.

Passive tags are more common in retail because they have lower costs and simpler functionality. They are usually glued to the product or placed within a plastic cover that is inserted into a container. The products are then shipped to stores, where employees can easily locate items and scan them with handheld RFID scanners.

This helps reduce inventory errors and prevents staff from working late counting stock, which also gives shoppers a better experience. RFID is becoming increasingly valuable for businesses, particularly with the rising popularity of buy online, pick up in store (BOPIS). The technology helps to streamline stock-taking processes and improve customer satisfaction by preventing out-of-stocks. It can also help curb theft by linking sales and video data to identify shoplifters and build cases against them with local authorities.