RFID Tag – Wireless Technology Used to Identify Objects and Transmit Information About Them

RFID Tag – Wireless Technology Used to Identify Objects and Transmit Information About Them

RFID Tag is a wireless technology used to identify objects and transmit information about them. The tags are small, often paper-based labels that contain an antenna and a memory chip. They can be read by a reader at a distance of several meters.

RFID can increase the accuracy of tasks and reduce human errors. It can also improve safety and patient satisfaction.

Power Source

An RFID tag contains a chip with an integrated circuit (IC) and an antenna. The IC provides the storage and processing power to execute onboard functions such as data manipulation. The chip is connected to a dipole antenna, which transmits and receives radio frequency signals.

A passive RFID tag has no onboard battery, but its IC does draw energy from the radio interrogation signal, which is picked up by the antenna and used to power the IC. The IC then broadcasts a signal back to RFID Tag the reader at regular intervals or when it detects a specific stimulus, such as a high concentration of glucose.

Passive tags require only a small amount of onboard memory for storing information, and they can be very inexpensive. However, they are limited in how long their IC can continue to broadcast its signal. This is because the forward link, which includes a round trip from the interrogator to the tag and back again, has a much shorter range than the return link.

Researchers have been working to overcome this limitation by adding electrodes to the IC chip. When the electrodes come into contact with a solid, such as glucose, it produces a charge that causes the IC to switch from its passive RF power mode to a local energy-assisted power mode. This is a way to make sure the tag has an adequate supply of energy to continue to transmit its signal.


The antenna is the hands and feet of an RFID system. It transmits the energy from an RFID reader to the microchip inside a hard tag or inlay. It also receives data from the microchip, and transmits it back to the RFID reader. The reader then transforms the information into usable data. This data can then be integrated with any database or ERP to provide actionable information.

The type of antenna that is used can affect the read range of an RFID tag. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing an antenna, such as its polarization, opening beamwidth/angle and amplification. The polarization of an RFID antenna is what determines which direction it radiates radio frequency waves in. Typically, linear antennas radiate waves in a horizontal or vertical direction. However, circular antennas can be arranged so that they radiate radio waves in both directions at once, allowing for a larger reading area.

Researchers have even designed an RFID tag with a graphene-based antenna that can change the way it transmits radio waves in response to environmental conditions, such as humidity. For example, if the chip detects glucose, it will activate its local charge-assisted power mode. The length of time the chip remains in this mode is directly related to the amount of glucose present. This can help prevent stockouts by alerting employees when it is time to reorder supplies.


RFID tags have microchips with data that can be read via electromagnetic waves. These microchips contain information such as a serial number or other data that can be linked to a product or its history.

Tags vary in memory capacity and read ranges as well as read/write capabilities, but they all respond to the interrogating radio frequency from the RFID reader. They can hold as little as a product serial number to a large amount of data.

How can a tag without its own power source communicate with the RFID reader? The answer lies in electromagnetism. Once a reader sends out electromagnetic waves, the antenna on an RFID tag detects these signals and converts them to electricity for its IC. The RFID tag’s IC then returns a signal back to the antenna with its data. This signal is picked up by the reader, which translates the data into information for its database or ERP system.

While RFID systems are very useful for tracking products, animals, and other items, it also raises privacy concerns about people’s information being scanned without their consent. These concerns have led to standard mifare desfire ev1 specifications to help protect consumer privacy. Some of these standards include the Clipped Tag, which allows users to transform a passive RFID tag into a proximity tag after purchase to limit its read range.


The RFID tag contains a microchip that has data stored on it. It’s also got an antenna to communicate with the reader and transmit its data. RFID systems can track and manage inventory for a company. These systems can reduce time spent on manual processes and increase productivity. They can also save on costs. The information transmitted by RFID tags can be integrated with any database or ERP system.

Passive RFID tags have no battery, relying on RF energy reflected from the signal of the reader to stay active. They can be read at a range of up to 100 meters or more under the right conditions.

In addition to their low cost, passive tags have another benefit: they can remain dormant until a trigger event occurs. For example, if the chip senses a liquid, it can switch from its passive RF power mode to a local charge-assisted power mode. When in this mode, the chip emits a new protocol code that the reader can interpret as a stimulus of interest.

Active RFID tags have their own transmitter and battery and ping each time they detect a reader’s signal. They can have a long life, but they are more expensive and bulkier than passive tags.