Gabion Net – Eco-Friendly Slope Protection

Gabion Net – Eco-Friendly Slope Protection

Gabion wall is a new protection engineering technology that has emerged in recent years. It can rebuild natural channels and prevent river water scouring. It also has the advantage of low construction costs.

It is also environmentally friendly, as it uses locally-sourced rocks or stones and allows for the growth of plants. It is also highly effective in preventing soil erosion, reducing the risk of landslides.


Gabions are an inexpensive and efficient solution for erosion control, slope stabilization, and channel management. They are also durable and require minimal maintenance. Compared to other slope protection solutions, such as concrete barriers or vegetated slopes, gabions have lower installation and operating costs. Moreover, they can be constructed in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Additionally, they are easy to transport and assemble.

Gabion structures are often made of metal wire mesh filled with stones, but they can also be constructed with a variety of materials, including recycled plastics and repurposed tires. A key factor in the cost-effectiveness of gabion structures is their ability to retain water and prevent soil erosion. The tensile strength of a gabion structure depends on its morphology, density, and porosity. Several studies have been conducted to determine the mechanical properties of gabions. However, the process of analyzing these structures is complicated and time consuming. This paper proposes a simplified method to simulate the effect of gabions on soil.

The paper uses the commercial discrete element software PFC3D to model the tensile strength and mechanical behavior of a Slope protection gabion net BFR gabion structure. Its micro-parameters of BFR and soil were calibrated by the tensile test, and its uniaxial compression characteristics were studied. The result shows that the BFR gabion could effectively resist landslide and debris flow. The result is consistent with the experimental findings.


Gabion structures are a good option for slope protection because they provide excellent resistance to erosion. They are also cost-effective and quick to construct, compared to other slope stabilization methods. They also help to dissipate the energy of flowing water, which can be a major factor in landslides and soil erosion. They are often used in flood-prone areas, where riprap is not suitable.

Gabions can be easily adapted to different soil conditions and flows, making them a versatile and durable solution for many applications. For example, they can be positioned at the base of a steep slope to reduce water velocity. They can also be placed at the slope-water interface to stabilize eroding soils and non-cohesive materials.

To simulate the mechanical properties of a BFR gabion structure, this study used the commercial 3D discrete element method PFC3D. First, the tensile strength of the BFR was determined through a tensile test, and the micro-parameters of the BFR and soil were calibrated. Then, the seepage effect and stress condition were simulated using a simplified method.

The results showed that the BFR gabion cage had a higher load-bearing capacity than other types of gabions. The high load-bearing capacity of the BFR gabion can be attributed to its ductility and porosity. It is a highly flexible and robust slope protection system that can be used in earthquake-prone areas.

Easy to install

Gabions are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for erosion control and slope stabilization projects. They can also be used to moderate landslides, which is crucial in flood-prone areas. They can reduce the speed of water flow and retain soil particles, and can be built quickly, allowing project completion within weeks or months. They can also be easily repaired or replaced, making them a reliable choice for long-term use.

A gabion wall is a cage that’s filled with natural stone. It can be constructed on a steep slope using local, on-site materials that blend with the landscape and enhance the natural aesthetic of the environment. This type of structure can be used for many applications, including retaining walls, erosion control, and even bridge abutments.

The construction process of a gabion wall is relatively simple, and requires little in the way of specialized equipment. Once excavation and foundation preparation have been completed, the pre-assembled gabions can be set in place and connected together. Once they’ve been installed, the cages can be filled with stone that’s sized appropriately for the application.

The stones inside a gabion basket can absorb and dissipate seismic energy and are suitable for earthquake-prone areas. They are also resistant to corrosion and can withstand high pressure. They are also easy to Height Geocell install, requiring only minimal maintenance and inspections to maintain their performance and effectiveness.

Environmentally friendly

Gabion retaining walls and erosion control mats are an eco-friendly solution to slope hazards. They are designed to stabilize steep landslide-prone slopes and can be used in conjunction with other geo-environmental engineering techniques. They can also be deployed in marine environments. Ocean Geosynthetics offers robust weld mesh gabions to stabilize slopes and provide optimum landslide mitigation.

Erosion and sediment control is an important factor for any construction project, especially when working on hilly terrain. Different factors contribute to erosion, including heavy rains, ice and snow melt, and human activity. Erosion can destroy the landscape and cause serious accidents, including landslides. Erosion control is crucial for preventing landslides and other disasters.

The simplest way to protect a slope from erosion is by installing gabions. These cages are filled with stones that act as a barrier and prevent the soil from moving up and down the slope. They can be constructed in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit the needs of the slope.

Another benefit of gabions is that they do not require a concrete foundation. This eliminates the need for drilling and excavation, which can disturb the environment and cause soil contamination. In addition, the stones in a gabion cage serve as a natural filter system for water, reducing pollutants and improving the environmental quality of rivers.