Choosing a RF Circuit Board Manufacturer

rf circuit board

Choosing a RF Circuit Board Manufacturer

When choosing a PCB manufacturer, look for a company with a lot of experience in making rf circuit boards. This will help minimize the chance of errors that could cost you a lot of money.

Solid (continuous) ground planes are required beneath RF components and traces. These should not be shared with signal or power lines to reduce coupling phenomena.


RF circuit boards require specific materials to manage the characteristic impedance and minimize power losses. They also need to be able to withstand high stress and heat generated by soldering and other processing steps during assembly. These characteristics are determined by the PCB’s dielectric material, thickness, trace width, and components placement. Engineers must carefully manage these factors to ensure that the resulting characteristic impedance meets design requirements and guarantees signal integrity.

Typical PCBs are made out of FR-4, which is an epoxy composite laminated with copper foil on one or both sides. This material is sufficient for most applications, but RF PCBs often need to function in extreme settings such as satellite systems or mobile phone Wi-Fi adapters. In these environments, the PCBs need to be able to cope with temperature cycling and atmospheric shifts.

For RF PCBs, it is important to use a specialized laminate that can handle the thermal stresses of etching and soldering. The best option is PTFE with glass fiber or ceramic. These materials belong to the fluoropolymer family and enhance the base material’s chemical resistance, anti-adhesion, and smoothness properties. Moreover, they have exceptional heat resistance qualities, even at temperatures of up to 200 degrees Celsius. The other option is to choose a high Rogers laminate for the outer layers of your multilayer RF PCB, while using cheaper epoxy glass for the inner layers.


RF circuit boards must be designed for maximum performance to ensure high efficiency, noise-free operation, and robustness. These PCBs require a solid ground plane that minimizes signal return paths and radiation. The design must also include appropriate decoupling and bypass capacitors to prevent interference between traces. In addition, traces carrying digital signals should be routed on a separate layer from those that carry RF signals.

When designing RF circuits, it is important to use high-quality laminates such as Rogers or other specific materials for RF applications. They should be used for the rf circuit board outer layers of the board, and lower-cost epoxy glass laminates for the inner layers. In addition, a good choice of bonding material is crucial. For example, FEP and ceramic-filled PTFE have lower lamination and re-melt temperatures than FR-4.

Another consideration is the selection of impedance-matching transmission lines. These can be microstrip, stripline, or coplanar waveguide. Impedance matching is especially important for high-speed signals, as they tend to couple to other traces closely. It is essential that traces carrying RF signals remain as short as possible, and are kept away from traces carrying high-speed digital signals.

RF circuits are also susceptible to crosstalk and the skin effect. The latter occurs when the current in a conductor only occupies the outer region of its cross-section at high frequencies, leading to increased resistance and inductance.


RF PCBs are more sensitive to interference, which requires them to have tighter tolerances in design. For example, they demand impedance matching RF Circuit Board Supplier to reduce noise, ringing, and reflections. In addition, they have to withstand higher environmental temperatures. To address these issues, the RF PCB must have a solid ground plane on the component layer directly underneath the ICs to carry RF return currents and DC power. This ground plane also serves as a thermal heat sink, which prevents excessive power dissipation.

Besides the solid ground plane, RF circuit boards also have microstrip and stripline transmission lines that connect signal components to the RF ICs. These transmission lines should be spaced far apart to reduce coupling between parallel traces. Moreover, the RF signal transmission lines should be as short as possible to minimize the length of turns and vias. This will decrease the signal loss and noise.

Choosing the right material is crucial for RF circuit boards. The RF board should be made of high-quality materials that have excellent electrical properties and thermal robustness. These materials include PTFE, ceramics, hydrocarbon, and different forms of glass. In addition, a good RF PCB should have a bonding material that can withstand high temperatures. PTFE and FEP are some of the most common bonding materials used in RF PCBs. They have anti-adhesion and smoothness properties and can withstand high temperature soldering.


When you are making a high-frequency PCB, it is important to consider how the signals are going to travel through the board. The traces must be as short as possible to avoid signal losses and interference. You should also avoid placing RF and normal traces in parallel to prevent signal reflections and crosstalk. It is also a good idea to avoid placing traces near power planes or high-speed digital traces, as this can cause interference.

Another factor to keep in mind when designing an RF circuit board is the type of material that will be used. Traditional PCBs use glass epoxy FR-4 materials, but these materials aren’t designed for high frequencies. RF PCBs need to be able to withstand high temperatures and environmental fluctuations. For this reason, RF PCBs are typically made from specialized materials such as PTFE with fiberglass or woven glass fiber.

RF PCBs are used in many different industries, including aerospace, automotive, and telecommunications. They help to make our lives safer and more convenient by enabling us to communicate with each other and access information effortlessly. They are also used in military applications, such as missile defense systems and drones, which must operate seamlessly in extreme environments with zero margin for error. To ensure that the RF PCBs you are using meet your specifications, be sure to choose a manufacturer with a strong focus on quality and a quick turnaround time.