Benefits of Heavy Copper PCB

heavy copper pcb

Benefits of Heavy Copper PCB

Heavy copper pcbs have thicker conductive copper layers than standard PCBs. This allows for large current outputs and optimizes heat dissipation.

Stackups are a key consideration in designing a heavy copper board. Your designer should provide the fabricator with a proposed layer count and description of each layer, as well as min desired dielectric thickness and max overall desired thickness.


Heavy copper PCBs are a great option for a variety of applications. They offer numerous benefits, including increased current-carrying capacity and enhanced thermal conductivity. They are also more durable in harsh environments and have lower failure rates than standard circuit boards. However, they can be more expensive than other types of printed circuit boards due to the specialized materials and manufacturing processes required to produce them.

To manufacture a thick copper PCB, the manufacturer uses different etching and plating methods to increase the thickness of the inner layer. This allows them to conduct a higher current than standard PCBs, and they can even accommodate high-current/high-power circuits and control circuits on the same board. This is a major advantage because it reduces the overall layer count and provides potential cost savings.

The copper thickness of a standard PCB is only one ounce, whereas that of a thick copper PCB is four ounces. This difference makes the former much more robust and durable, and it can sustain mechanical stress to enhance its conductivity. This feature is especially important for high-power applications, such as welding plants.

Another advantage of a heavy copper PCB is its resistance to excessive current and recurrent thermal cycling, which can destroy a regular circuit board in seconds. Additionally, it offers stronger heat dissipation and can be coupled with appropriate heat sinks to reduce board temperature. This makes it ideal for use in power electronics, military equipment, and other high-power devices.

High Thermal Conductivity

A heavy copper pcb has high thermal conductivity, which allows it to disperse heat more efficiently. This can help improve performance in electronic devices by preventing overheating, which is a common problem that can damage PCBs and lead to product failure. It is essential for designers to consider the thermal properties of their circuit boards when defining the stackup. The materials used to construct a stackup can significantly impact the thermal conductivity of the circuit board and can have an effect on its overall performance.

In order to manufacture a heavy copper PCB, manufacturers use specialized plating and etching techniques to create the necessary copper structures. These include differential etching, step plating, and high-step plating. These methods ensure that the copper is embedded in a uniform manner across all layers of the heavy copper pcb circuit board. Afterwards, they laminate teh entire circuit to form a complete package. They also use a variety of epoxy substrates, including FR4, CEM3, and polyimide, to achieve the desired thickness.

These types of circuit boards can support high critical current densities, which are higher than the typical critical current density for standard PCBs. They can also withstand elevated temperatures for extended periods of time, making them suitable for a wide range of applications in electronic devices. They are commonly used in high-power circuits, planar transformers, and power converters.

High Current-Carrying Capacity

The copper layers in a heavy-copper PCB can help dissipate heat, which helps keep the components on the board cooler and reduces the risk of overheating. This can also make it easier for the circuit board to handle high currents and voltages. In addition, the increased current-carrying capacity makes it possible to run more complex switches and control circuits on one board.

The higher copper content in a heavy-copper PCB also increases its critical current density (CCD), which makes it suitable for applications that need to handle large amounts of power. This includes rail traction systems to increase train speed, solar power converters to handle larger loads and other applications that require high-current outputs.

While standard PCBs typically support amperes in the double digits, heavy copper PCBs can easily handle hundreds of amps or even thousands. This means that they can withstand harsh environments like extreme temperatures, elevated currents and recurring thermal cycling that would destroy a regular circuit board within seconds.

To get the most out of a heavy copper pcb, it is important to choose a PCB supplier that uses advanced plating and etching techniques to produce boards with straight edges and good margins. It is also important to keep the current traces as short as possible because longer traces can increase resistance and generate more heat, which can damage the circuit board.

Low Failure Rates

The excessive heat produced by heavy copper PCBs Heavy Copper PCB Supplier is conducted away from the components, which can help reduce failure rates. This feature is important for PCBs that are used in harsh environments. PCB designers can choose the amount of copper needed to conduct current with minimal restriction if they consult with a fabricator about manufacturing tolerances and abilities.

Heavy copper PCBs can withstand high temperatures, frequent use and recurrent thermal cycling. This ability is thanks to the extra copper that manufacturers can add to the circuit layers and through holes. The additional copper can also improve the durability of the board. It can prevent the growth of resistance that can lead to a break in electrical integrity.

Printed circuit boards or PCBs are a critical component of many electronic devices. They provide a compact path for the flow of current, making it possible to connect and operate complex devices. However, some products require a high current flow, which is not possible with standard PCBs. These boards must be made with thicker copper traces and planes to bear the load.

These features are not compatible with standard PCBs, but they can be combined to create a more versatile product. Thicker copper plates can be etched and plated to add the required thickness to the traces and planes. This can result in a lower layer count and space savings. Moreover, it can increase the current-carrying capacity of the circuits. The extra copper also helps reduce the I2R losses that are caused by normal PCBs.