Preventive Maintenance for Flat Belt Conveyors

Preventive Maintenance for Flat Belt Conveyors

Flat belt conveyors are what most people picture when they think of a conveyor system. They are the most prevalent method of conveying materials and offer a broad range of capacities.

Modular plastic belt conveyors are a great alternative to flat belt conveyor systems. They are made of interlocking segments, so if one segment is damaged it is easily replaced.


Whether it’s the conveyor belt or any other piece of equipment, it is vital to keep a close eye on the precise workings of it. Any complications or malfunctions may have untold ramifications that can throw off entire operations and cost you time and money. If you catch even a small sign of mistracking early on, it can be easily fixed before the problem grows into something much larger.

This is especially true for conveyors. It’s important to make sure that they’re safe for employees by implementing lockout/tag out protocols, only allowing authorized personnel to operate the system, and limiting access to the operational controls. It is also essential to promote clear communication between workers so that they can alert each other if there’s a danger or an issue.

In addition to this, conveyor systems should be inspected on a daily basis or as needed for any potential problems. It’s also important to regularly look around conveyors for any sharp edges, surfaces or corners that could potentially snag objects as they pass Flat belt conveyor by. Keeping these areas free of blockages will help prevent unnecessary wear and tear and reduce the risk of malfunctions or damage.


Flat belt conveyors have few moving parts which results in less malfunctions, failures, and repair costs over the working life of the system. Modular plastic belts also interlock, meaning that if a section of the belt becomes damaged, only that particular segment needs to be replaced, rather than an entire conveyor as would be the case with a flexible belt.

In addition, a flat belt conveyor can be set up in a straight line without needing to be turned on the corners or along an incline or decline. This allows for a greater number of cars to be loaded into the same space, increasing throughput and decreasing the time it takes to process each car.

Additionally, a flat belt conveyor can be used to transport small and large items such as plastic boxes or cardboard, mattresses, electrical components, coiled wire, waste paper, chemicals, and motors. A special sanitary belt is available that can withstand harsh washing and sterilization procedures necessary for food and pharmaceutical industries.

Finally, flat belt conveyors can be used to transfer vehicles on their way out of a car wash. This eliminates the need for drivers to turn, brake, or shift gears as they exit the conveyor system and Flat Belt Conveyor Manufacturer reduces the risk of collisions with other vehicles or machinery. As a result, car wash owners can offer their customers an enhanced experience and increase their profitability.


As with any piece of equipment, conveyors are susceptible to breaking down or malfunctioning if they’re not properly maintained. This can happen from time to time due to regular wear and tear, or it could be caused by an outside influence. It’s important that all workers are aware of how to handle and operate conveyor belts so that they can help prevent any issues before they become serious.

One common problem that can occur with conveyor systems is material spillage, especially along transfer and load points. While this may not cause any immediate problems, it can put extra strain on other parts of the system and lead to blockages or buildups that can create a domino effect. To avoid this, it’s vital that any equipment or materials are checked for signs of spillage on a regular basis.

Another problem that can arise in conveyor systems is mistracking, which happens when the belt isn’t properly positioned on the pulleys. This can cause the system to run unevenly, leading to wear and potential failure. To reduce this risk, snub rollers should be correctly aligned and have enough tension to keep the belt on the pulleys at all times. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the belt is clean. This includes checking for and removing any excess materials, and regularly cleaning the entire system to prevent buildups.


Performing preventive maintenance is the best way to keep your conveyor belts running smoothly. This includes regularly inspecting the conveyor system for anything that may be incurring excess wear. It also requires implementing a plan to replace parts as they begin wearing down, rather than waiting for them to break down and creating a production bind.

Check the Bearings and Pulley Alignment

Loose bearings are one of the leading causes of conveyor breakdown. They should be lubricated on a regular basis during maintenance procedures. It’s also important to have them properly aligned so that both sides of the conveyor belt get equal tensioning.

Consider Cold Curing

For gouges and scoring on your conveyor belt, you can use the cold curing method to repair them. This involves using a cement that is mixed with a base compound and a curing agent and applied like a paste. This is typically used as a backup option or for operations that can’t accommodate regular vulcanization.

When a critical part breaks down, it can cause a major production bind and eat up valuable time. This is why it’s so important to work with a team of professionals that can perform the required maintenance on your conveyor system. This can include cleaning, lubrication, belt replacement and inspections. Having these tasks done on a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, annually) can ensure that they’re always taken care of before they become a problem and minimizes downtime.